This was reported by some one who wrote with the name (or pen-name) Festus Ndebele. As per the source, the freelancer lost his hard earned US $636 as the employer failed to respond's order to supply additional papers. When they took project fee they didn't care to ask to verify the user. But after taking their fee they started blocking money.
The freelancer from South Africa stated that despite the fact that the employer was marked as verified, blocked the money and said that without additional papers from the employer they will not let him get his payment.
Informing that the employer has his own wish to respond or not to respond to their demand was in vein. Even after 12 weeks the money was kept by Festus Ndebele also wrote-
Instead, there is some disagreement between my employer and and I am caught in the middle. I did a search to see if other people had experienced this problem and to my amazement I found hundreds of similar complaints about not paying the wages it collects from employers.
THANK YOU for exposing this! I am one of many people mistreated by Launched a blog describing the ways to protest. Feel free to post your stories and promote your website: